Uncle of the groom wedding speech – How to write it an uncle to nephew wedding speech?

There are a lot of different ways to write a speech. You can search online and find out a lot about it. But what if you wanted to write a speech that was personal, and specific for an event? For instance, what if you were to try and craft a speech that was meant for a wedding? If you’re an uncle and you are asked to give a wedding speech for your nephew, you may not be ready to move forward quickly. If you’re not ready, that’s ok. Don’t let anyone see you sweat.

Instead, make sure that you consider the bigger picture here. Think about the greatness of giving a speech for someone you love. With that in mind, take into consideration the following tips and tricks that will help you give a great speech, for someone that you have seen grow up for so many years.

The First Step

The very first step to get your speech going is simple, introduce yourself. There are going to be people at the wedding that don’t know you that well, so you might as well spend a little time talking about who you are and your relationship to the groom. You’ll find that you can even tell a little bit of an embarrassing story that leads to the next element of your speech. The goal here is to make yourself a part of the audience, but also, a special person that gets to speak as well.

Love Over Everything Else

Here’s where some people stumble. They don’t know how to fill a speech, and that’s ok. Don’t panic. You should look at love and marriage and start to discuss how amazing it is to be with someone that understands you. If you’re married, talk about your wife, and say how amazing your wife is and how you’re proud that your nephew has found a strong, amazing woman to marry. Anything that allows you to compliment the bride and groom will help you gain momentum moving forward, no doubt. If you’re not sure how to frame this, then look towards the Holy Bible, as the wedding will most likely be at a church.

Well Wishes Work Towards The End

The end of your speech should close with well wishes and a few notes on how to prolong the love in a marriage. Talk about a few key factors that make a marriage strong. You can make this a couple of tips, or you could give one big tip. The goal here is to make sure that you’re able to discuss how amazing the future will be, and give warning about how it’s easy to fall apart.

As you work towards finding the right words, make sure that you write everything out. It’s a mistake to write things on a computer alone. Instead, make sure that you get a real piece of paper out and start writing with a pen or pencil. This will help you gain the upper hand, and get past the nerves that may cause you to falter a bit when writing a speech.