Aunt of the bride wedding speech – How to write it?

Becoming an aunt is a great thing, and it’s something that you don’t want to take lightly, obviously. As you are an aunt of a young girl, you’ll no doubt see her grow up into a young woman, and one day she will get married. When she’s ready to get married, you’re going to get asked to be a part of the festivities. You may be asked to be more than a guest, as many people will ask their relatives to say a speech, especially if you’re close. If you’re close to your niece, then you may be asked to say something at the wedding. The aunt of the bride may be asked to say something, and if you’re not ready, you could find this to be daunting.

Don’t panic! There are a few things that you can do to prepare, and make sure that you are giving a great speech overall. This is going to be evidenced through the following simple bullet points overall.

Speak From The Heart

The first thing that you should know is that you need to speak from the heart. You should start with an introduction, because that’s the starting line to nearly every single speech that you’re going to find online. Start with stating your name, who you are, and how you know the bride. From there, talk about how you have seen the bride grow up to a young woman, and that you’re really proud of the changes that she has pushed through in her many years.

Tell A Story From The Past

You’ve spent time with the bride, so why not tell a story about something funny, or simply endearing. Talk about a trip, or a situation where you were able to help her grow into maturity. There’s so many different paths that you can pursue in this regard. Your goal is to make sure that you are telling a good story, but also endearing yourself and the bride to the audience. This is an important aspect of what you’re doing overall.

Speak About Marriage

If you’re married, then talk about how great it is to have a partner by your side. Talk about marriage, honor, love, and more. Speak about how amazing it is to be a part of a couple, and talk about how you are happy that the bride has found someone grand to partner up with and go forward in life. Then use a few quotes about love from songs, or from movies. If you’re religious, you can use The Corinthians to talk about love and show a little bit of emotion with relative ease.

At the end of the day, your goal is to endear yourself to the crowd, the bride, and the groom with a blessing. Tell them that you can’t wait to be a great aunt, and that you are glad that you are a part of the lives of two wonderful people. Then wish them good luck, and happiness throughout the years. Write this all out on a piece of paper, and you’ll no doubt have a speech that will be easy for you to speak with.