Twin brother of the groom or bride wedding speech – How to write it?

There are a lot of big events in the life of an individual, and one of the biggest is that of a wedding. If you’re brother is getting married, and you’re a twin, then you know you’re going to have to make a speech, right? Whether you’re the best man or not, you are going to be called upon to say something, and that is going to cause a lot of stress for some. If you’re not a talker, or you’re not good in public, don’t panic, you can do this. You will need to know how to write a wedding speech. Whether you’re a twin brother of the groom or bride, you will find that there are a few points that you will want to pursue overall.

Bullet Points First

The first thing that you should do is simple, read different wedding speeches online. This is going to get you into the mindset of what to write, but will not tell you what to write. Half of the battle with writing speeches is getting inspired to talk about something. Once you start to see a few options online, you need to start thinking of bullet points to speak about.

When you’re giving a speech at a wedding, you should hit no less than 3 major bullet points. You should talk about inspirational things, tell a quick anecdote about marriage, and how happy you are that the wedding is going on and the person that your sibling is marrying is a great choice. You should wrap it up after those points, and that’s it.

Write It Out On Paper

The next thing that you should do, aside from bullet point construction is write out your speech on a piece of paper. Get a full piece of paper and write it all out. No joke. This should take you a few minutes, and should not be over complicated. You should focus on what you want to say, and use your words to elaborate on them. Take your time, write out long form, and see how far it goes.

Once you have it all written out, read it out loud. Time yourself reading it, and then read it again, and again. Once you do this, you’ll need to edit things that are too long, or are somewhat drawn out, and you’ll have a speech you can start to work with.

Read It To Your Family

Do not read it to the bride or groom, instead, look for someone in your family that you trust and ask them if you can read your speech to them. They’ll oblige and give you pointers. The goal here is to get comfortable with reading in front of someone, as well as knowing what you want to say, and how to say it. You will need to practice this in front of a mirror daily until the wedding, and if you’re procrastinating, then you need to get to work right now. The best thing to do is simple, get started writing, but remember, bullet points are your friend.